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While working at a previous firm, Jon Altschuld developed the Aesthetic Design Guidelines for the I-25/Cimarron (US-24) interchange design-build bid package. Converting this dated and overused interchange to a modern Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) required heavy stakeholder involvement from multiple government agencies concerned about aesthetic, environmental, and public relations impacts.


The project included the restoration of approximately 2,100 linear feet of Upper Fountain Creek immediately upstream of its confluence with Monument Creek. This restoration required re-grading of the creek banks, vegetation of newly created riparian and upland areas, re-alignment of the main channel, and a strategic balance of vegetated and structural bank stabilization to protect infrastructure while improving ecological functions.


Jon also led the design of the aesthetics for all bridge structures, the overall site design, trail alignments, and custom formliner 'fish' panels along the regional trail.

I-25/Cimarron (US-24) Interchange

Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Client: Wilson & Co, CDOT

Status: Constructed

Timeframe: January 2014-December 2017

Project at completion
I-25 over Fountain Creek &Cimarron
I-25 over Fountain Creek &Cimarron
Cimarron Bridge over Fountain Creek
Cimarron bridge over Fountain Creek
Midland Trail/Upper Fountain Creek
Creek restoration guidelines drawing
Midland Trail/U
Upper Fountain Creek restoration
Custom formliner concept art
Custom formliner detail drawing
Regional trail and custom panels
I-25 Bridge under construction
Cimarron bridge aesthetic guidelines
Looking SW AFTER
I-25 over Cimarron BEFORE
I-25 over Cimarron AFTER
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